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Explain Medical Treatments to your Patient | How to

explicar un tratamiento


  1. Introduction
  2. Importance of Explaining a Procedure Creatively
    • Benefits for the Patient
    • Impact on Understanding
  3. The Power of Animated Videos in Procedure Explanation
    • Visualization of Complex Concepts
    • Greater Information Retention
  4. How to Create Effective Animated Videos to Explain Procedures
    • Identifying the Key Message
    • Developing Effective Scripts
    • Using Clear Animations and Graphics
  5. Examples of Successful Animated Videos in Treatment Explanation
  6. Practical Tips for Creating Animated Videos
    • Appropriate Length
    • Design and Visual Style
    • Inclusion of Calls to Action
  7. How to Use Animated Videos in Consultations
    • Presentation in the Waiting Room
    • Use on Social Media and Website
  8. Conclusion
  9. FAQs

When explaining a procedure to your patients, it’s crucial to communicate effectively and understandably. One creative and powerful way to achieve this is through animated videos. In this article, we will explore the importance of explaining procedures creatively and how animated videos can be an invaluable tool in this process.

In the healthcare sector, professionals face the constant challenge of effectively communicating complex information to their clients. While certain concepts and treatments may be familiar and easily understood for doctors, they can be overwhelming and difficult for the average person to grasp. This communication gap can lead to misunderstandings, lack of treatment adherence, and ultimately, less favorable outcomes for clients.

In this context, animated videos have emerged as an invaluable tool to help overcome these communication barriers. By simplifying complex concepts and presenting information visually and attractively, animated videos can make information more accessible and understandable for patients, thereby improving their experience and procedure outcomes.

Here is an example of how a video helped clarify in a creative and understandable way to the audience what Coronavirus is:


  • Benefits for the patient

When patients clearly understand their procedure, they are more engaged with their health and follow instructions more effectively.

  • Impact on understanding

Creativity in explaining procedures can make information more accessible and memorable for patients.


  • Visualization of complex concepts

Animated videos can simplify complex medical concepts, making them easier for clients to understand.

  • Greater information retention

Clients tend to remember information presented in visual format, such as animated videos.

Example Oral Care Products:


Identifying the key message

Before starting to create the video, it’s important to identify the main message you want to communicate to each individual.

Developing effective scripts

The video script should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. It should include relevant information about the procedure in a way that is accessible to the patient.

Using clear animations and graphics

Animations and graphics in the video should be clear and easy to understand. They should complement the information provided in the script.



Appropriate Length

Animated videos explaining treatments should have a suitable duration to maintain the viewer’s attention without overwhelming them with information.

Design and Visual Style

The design and visual style of the video should be appealing and professional to capture the patient’s attention.

Inclusion of Calls to Action

At the end of the video, it’s important to include a call to action that motivates the patient to follow the treatment instructions.


Presentation in the Waiting Room

Animated videos can be an effective way to educate clients while they wait for their consultation.

Use on Social Media and Website

Sharing animated videos on social media and the website can help educate a wider audience about the procedures offered.

Why use animation to explain medical concepts?

A recorded video requires filming the procedure, which may not be possible in some cases due to the internal nature of the process or its graphic content. On the other hand, an animated video can represent information in a more digestible and visually appealing way for viewers.

Why use an explainer video improve understanding of a treatment?

An explainer video can simplify complex concepts and make information easier for patients to understand, which can result in better comprehension and adherence to the treatment.

When is it useful to use a video to explain a treatment to patients?

Videos are especially useful when explaining complex medical procedures or difficult-to-understand concepts in a simple and visual way. They can also be an excellent option in cases where showing real images of the procedure may be disturbing for some patients, as an animated video can represent the information in a more friendly and understandable manner.

Another situation where videos are useful is in preventive education, such as in dentistry, where a video can demonstrate proper toothbrushing techniques or the use of dental floss, thus helping to prevent future oral health problems. In summary, videos are a valuable tool for explaining treatments in situations where a clear and accessible visual representation is required.

How can videos enhance the patient experience during a medical consultation?

Videos can help patients feel more informed and empowered about their treatment, which can improve their overall experience during the medical consultation.

What benefits can videos offer in communicating treatments to patients?

In addition to improving understanding and patient experience, videos can play a crucial role in building a stronger relationship between healthcare professionals and patients. By demonstrating empathy and a commitment to patient education through informative videos, a bond of trust can be created that can significantly enhance patient satisfaction and treatment adherence.

Another significant benefit is the ability of videos to reach a wider and more diverse audience. Videos can be shared online through social media and websites, allowing healthcare professionals to educate and inform an audience beyond patients in the clinic. This not only helps spread important information about treatments but can also increase the visibility and reputation of the medical practice.


Creativity in explaining procedures can have a significant impact on client understanding and adherence. Animated videos are an effective tool for achieving this, as they simplify complex concepts and make information more accessible and memorable. By incorporating animated videos into consultations, healthcare professionals can enhance their patients’ experience and achieve better treatment outcomes.

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